The Company was established in 1967 as a cast iron foundry especially aimed to the production of castings for the machine tool sector. Then , over the years , it specialized in die castings and started to supply the Automotive Industry.
The main advantage of the productive process is the creation of single iron or steel castings starting by polystyrene patterns ( lost-foam ) up to the machining of rough surfaces.
Fond-Stamp is a dynamic and modern Company , which, although maintaining the melting as its core business, over the years has extended its technical skills adding before a machine shop, for the machining of castings and then the pattern shop, for the production of polystyrene patterns.
In 2003 Fond-Stamp started a new foundry for steel castings. Thanks to the extraordinary success of this activity, during the 2013 , this production has been significantly enlarged and modernized with major investments.
With more than 50-years experience, Fond-Stamp is now able to supply the following four production fields:
• Polystyrene patterns
• Cast iron castings
• Steel castings
• Machining on castings
All these activities are supported by a very high technical level and a good management competence.
The long experience , together with the most modern and sophisticated technologies, allowed the Company to acquire a specific know-how, giving Fond-Stamp the opportunity to develop the most diversified productive solutions.
Moreover , being part of EF GROUP ( together with Fonderia di Torbole and PBF Foundry ) and carrying out very important investment plans , allowed Fond-Stamp to reach many excellent goals.